Friday, March 18, 2011

Classificaiton of Massage Movements

These are some of the movements that I use in a masssage. The different movements are divided and classified into 6 groups. Each movement the way it's used and delivered determines the quality of a massage; depending on The therapist how he/she uses this movements and when; gives each massage a unique work of art, and as we all know there are so many different types of people out there making each therapist style special and an original Masterpiece.. Here are the following Classifications;

1. Touch: ~Superficial  ~Deep
2. Gliding and Effleurage: ~Superficial ~Deep
3. Kneading movements: ~Kneading or petrissage ~Fulling  ~Skin rolling
4. Friction: ~Circular friction ~Transverse or cross-finger friction ~Compression ~Rolling ~Chucking ~Wringing ~Vibration
5. Percussion movements: ~Hacking ~Cupping ~Slapping ~Tapping ~Beating
6. Joint movements: ~Passive joint movements ~Active joint movements

    The intention with which a massage is given or a technique is applied will greatly influence its effect. Each manipulation is applied in a specific way for a particular purpose. The practice of massage becomes scientific only when the practitioner recognized the purpose and effects of each movements and adapts the treatment according to the client's condition and the desired results. 
    If you would like to experience these movements not just read about them. Contact me and i would be happy to make an appointment with you; Creating and adapting these movements according to your condition and desired results. Thank you for taking the time to read.

Gershom Bandy


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